Coaching a Math Masters Team
Coaching Basics
What can you expect as a coach? How do you coach a team? What about an individual? Here is the place to start.
- Learn how Math Masters works and what to expect at a competition.
- There is no limit to the number of teams that can be registered from the same school. Schools and coaches are encouraged to include as many students as possible in competition preparation and in actual competition.
- First-time coaches receive competition tests and answers from the previous year at no cost; select this option during registration.
- Need additional practice? Order practice packets with past competition test questions and answers.
- As the coach, you will attend the competition with your students.
- Learn more on our FAQs page.

Team Competition
- 4-5 students comprise a team. Most often these students are from the same school.
- Students on each team work together to solve problems in the three team rounds. Those same students work individually to solve problems in the fact drill round and the four individual competition rounds.
- The top four scores from each individual round are included in team totals.
- The same students must compete in all competition rounds.
- Team roster changes can be made prior to competition start.
Individual Competition
- Individuals not part of a team compete for fact drill and individual round awards.
- Individuals are not considered part of a team and will not be included in team scores/awards. Some competition sites allow individuals to form ad hoc teams on competition day; scores for these ad hoc teams are not considered for team awards.
- Registration opens in mid-September each year.
- Choose the site and date that work best for you from options listed during registration. Generally, nearly 50 sites are available to choose from.
- Once you have registered and paid, the coach will be emailed a packet with additional competition details. Included is site confirmation and schedule for competition day, competition procedures, team selection test, and a suggested team selection plan.
- Meet with students regularly (1-2 times/week) in the weeks leading up to competition day to review math concepts and practice problems. Use practice packets comprised of past competition questions and answers.
- Give students the team selection test to help determine which students should make up a team.